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Metalsmith On GitHub pages

Ronan Berder Ronan Berder on

We love GitHub pages and use it more than we probably should: our main website ( and documentation are actually GitHub pages. We use SwiftType to provide search on the documentation, but otherwise these are pretty regular static websites. However, we don't use Jekyll; our team is more at ease with nNde.js than Ruby, which is why we usually prefer it Metalsmith. And since we're pretty lazy, we automate building and pushing to the gh-pages using (of course). Here's what it looks like.


You'll need to have a few things in place already:

  • A repo with GitHub pages activated (duh). We'll assume you're using the gh-pages branch, though if it is your * repo it should be master.

    GitHub pages settings

  • A account (it's free) with (for the sake of this example) your Digital Ocean account tied up to it (though you could use AWS, Rackspace or Linode with minimum changes).

  • A Metalsmith site that has a Makefile along with a make build command (in our example we use it to install the npm dependencies as well as run bower and gulp).

Let's get started

We'll be going through it step by step: I'll most likely prepare a repo very soon for you to fork, using our brand new button feature.

  1. Add a server (either to a new repo or an existing one) or use an existing node with the following services/configuration:

     id: build-server
     name: Build server
     type: server
       name: digitalocean
       size: 66
       nodejs: *
           - bower
           - gulp
  2. Once you've added your server, copy its public SSH key from the details section:

    GitHub pages settings

  3. Add that key as a deploy key in the settings of your site's repo on GitHub:

    GitHub deploy key

  4. We'll then add a task on to do the bulk of the job:

     type: task
     id: gh-pages-build
     name: Build and deploy on gh-pages
       # Feel free to edit the following values to match your use case
       dir: /opt/
       build: _site
       temp: /tmp/build
       # You'll need to change that to match the Git URL of your site's repo
       repo: [email protected]:my-account/my-repo.git
       # We're here assuming we work out of the metalsmith branch
       ref: refs/heads/metalsmith
       dest: gh-pages
       - build-server
         - path: XkYw58l2d7rehq2Dkh4Nmd
       # Hack to ensure we're building only when the right branch is updated
       - run: if [ "{{ trigger.payload.ref }}" != "{{ ref }}" ]; then echo "Wrong branch" >&2 ; exit 1 ; fi
       # Fetch our updates
       - run: devops git update
           repo: "{{ repo }}"
           dest: "{{ dir }}"
           version: metalsmith
       # Build the site
       - run: cd {{ dir }} && make build && git stash save
       # We copy the result of our build over to a temporary folder
       - run: rm -Rf {{ temp }} && cd {{ dir }} && cp -a {{ build }} {{ temp }}
       # We switch to `gh-pages` and trash its content
       - run: cd {{ dir }} && git checkout {{ dest }} && git rm -r --ignore-unmatch * 
       # We copy back the build in the Git repo
       - run: cd {{ dir }} && cp -a {{ temp }}/* .
       # We push our changes back
       - run: > 
           cd {{ dir }} && 
           git add . && 
           git commit -am "Build triggered by commit {{ trigger.payload.after }} from {{ }}" && 
           git push origin {{ dest }}
  5. Once that task is saved, we still need to point GitHub's webhook at it. You'll notice we added a path: XkYw58l2d7rehq2Dkh4Nmd in the webhooks section of the triggers attribute. It means that your task can be triggered by hitting the{USER}/{REPO}/XkYw58l2d7rehq2Dkh4Nmd URL, where {USER} and {REPO} are your username and repository name for this task. Go ahead and add this on GitHub in the "Webhooks & Services" settings page:

    GitHub webhook

  6. Voilà!

Every time you'll be pushing a new commit on the metalsmith branch, will fetch the changes, build the site and push it back in the gh-pages branch. Keep in mind that GitHub pages are public, wether or not the repo is.

There are obviously still a few rough edges: it'd be nice not to have to configure things manually on GitHub, it also would be nice to be able to not rely on a trick to prevent the task from running when the commit isn't related to the metalsmith branch.

In the next couple weeks, we'll be adding some of these features and starting to integrate more tightly with GitHub.

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